torsdag 30 juni 2011

Nedräkning: 7 kvar

Med sju dagar kvar bjuder jag på ännu en 90-tals låt och då en mer känd sådan än gårdagens kanske. Neneh Cherry (Sverige/England) bjuder in Youssou N'Dour (Senegal) och resultat blir denna fina låt - 7 Seconds:

onsdag 29 juni 2011

Nedräkning: 8 kvar

En slagdänga från 90-talet som ger mig glada minnen. Låten 5,6,7,8 med STEPS, en vad jag tror är en onehitwonder-grupp.

tisdag 28 juni 2011

Nedräkning: 9 kvar

Dagen igår gick faktiskt riktigt fort. Jag hoppas på samma snabbhet idag. Nu är det dags för videon som representerar nio dagar kvar: Braiga industrirockbandet Nine Inch Nails och låten Closer. Jag ryser alltid lite när jag hör sångaren Trent Reznors röst.

måndag 27 juni 2011


Häromdagen började jag tänka tillbaka på mina första månader i SL och vad jag gjorde då när jag var inloggad. Utöver att vara mycket på olika fester och tillställningar som bjöds på de icke längre existerande Second Sweden-simmarna så hängde jag en del på några musikklubbar. De var helt olika varandra musikmässigt men det var tre bra och trevliga ställen där man lätt fick kontakt med folk och kunde skaffa sig nya vänner. Efter en månad eller två så upphörde mina besök till dessa klubbar. Jag kan inte riktigt minnas varför men kanske hade jag tröttnat eller så var det i samma veva som min vänlista hade utökats såpass så jag kunde umgås på ett annat vis när jag loggade in.

Hursomhelst, jag tänkte på dessa klubbar som jag inte besökt sen första halvåret 2009 och bestämde mig för att undersöka ifall de finns kvar och hur läget verkar vara där nu jämfört med då.

Demonic Night Club

Först ut var ett besök till Demonic Night Club. Här var allt sig likt, dvs tung metal/industri/goth som spelades, en live-DJ som pladdrade ivrigt mellan låtarna och glada värdinnor som hälsade alla hjärtligt välkomna samtidigt som de dansade sexigt runt en stång. Dansgolvet var i princip packat precis som förr och det tog ett tag innan allt och alla rezzade sig. I övrigt finns här en massa butiker som erbjuder kläder, skor, skins för de som gillar goth/svart/läder.

Reggae Romance

Nästa klubb som fick ett återbesök var Reggae Romance och det hörs ju på namnet vad för slags musik som spelas här. Det jag minns från det här stället var att det alltid var en massa avor, antingen gungandes på dansgolvet eller sittandes vid något av de mysiga sittplatser som finns runtom och diggade till den sköna musiken som en live-DJ spelades. Nu var det alldeles tomt och jag var den enda avan på hela simmen. Musiken som hördes kom från en reggae-radiokanal.

The Crossroads

Sista besöket gick till blues- och rockklubben The Crossroads. Dansgolvet var fullt med glada avor som dansade till en live-DJ som spelade nya och gamla blueslåtar. Stämningen var trevlig och det kändes, precis som senast jag var här, väldigt gemytligt och avslappnat. Här finns också små butiker, vägbanor där motorcyklar testas, bluesmuseum och en husvagnspark.

Jag besökte de här klubbarna i söndags svensk kvällstid och det kan ju ha varit en orsak till att det var så tomt och ödsligt på Reggae Romance, även om jag minns att stället alltid hade flera besökare oavsett tidpunkt då jag brukade vara där.

Nedräkning: 10 kvar

Jag har en känsla av att de tio dagar jag har kvar att jobba innan det blir semester kommer bli väldigt långa och sega och en nedräkning passar då bra för att verkligen se att jag närmar mig målet. Det får bli en nedräkning med musikvideos och då med siffror i titeln eller bandnamnet och siffrorna får då symbolisera antalet dagar jag har kvar. Först ut en låt med 10 i titeln: Perfect 10 med brittiska The Beautiful South. En glad poppig låt med svängigt blås, precis vad jag behöver denna tidiga morgon.

fredag 24 juni 2011

Millis Music Magazine with The Follow

Next band out in Millis Music Magazine is a band from the midwest in the US - The Follow. They are known for their way to combine real life and second life with concerts that makes great sucess in both worlds. They did a World Tour in SL for an example - five shows in five countries in one day.

The Follow have three members: Troy (Troy) on guitarr and voice, Powers (Mat) on drums and samples and AJ (Amy) on bass and voice. They are playing rock influenced by Pink Floyd, U2 and Radiohead and have created a great sound. Listening to their music makes me happy and in a good mood and I think that the main reason to that is their skills in what they are doing, on record and on stage.

You can read more about this band and of course listen to their music at follow websites: Myspace, Facebook and

Picture taken from The Follows Myspace

In this interview you can read about The Follows second birthday in SL and how they will celebrate that with a concert tomorrow 25:th of June.

How would you describe your music, what style is it?
Panoramic Rock.

How long have you been doing music?
The band's first show was in 1989. AJ was with the band from the beginning but didn't begin playing in the band until 1997.

Are you writing your own songs?
We sure do. Troy is the primary songwriter.

If you do, what comes first when writing your songs, the lyrics or the music?
Well, it depends. Usually, the music and melody come first and then lyrics find their way. It's an organic process and we work on allowing the music to flow freely.

Where do you find the inspiration for your music?
We find it from all around and from all within. From the beauty of the oceans to the wonder of the cosmos and from the awe of our creator to the introspection of feelings, we are inspired by truth and it's pursuit. We are inspired by the human condition.

Who are your role models in music?
Our role models would be those artists and bands that no one has ever heard of. But, they keep writing. They keep recording. They keep playing. And, it's not only for the fanfare that may come one day. It's not only for making a living at doing what they love. It's also because when they wake up, they just don't have a choice. It's in them, they must do it to feel right. It's who they are and using their gifts is fulfilling on its own.

How long have you played in SL?
We are celebrating two years of performing SL on June 26th, 2011. The band will celebrate with a performance at Boom Pony Music Club on Saturday June 25th at 7pm.

Do you also play in RL?
Yes, the band plays in real life.

What is the difference between playing in SL compared to RL?
In many ways they are similar. The band has been mixing our own sound for several years. When we show up at a venue, we give the sound engineer just two channels to plug into their system. So, it was a fairly easy transition, technically, when we started broadcasting into SL.

The live performance itself is very interesting. The band has been thrilled with the connections we have been able to make with the SL residents. After shows in RL we love to hang and talk with people. But, many times we are rushed to break down our gear and load it into the van. So, if someone isn't willing to find their way to the back alley of the venue, or if they aren't will to miss the band we were playing before that particular evening to chat with us, then we miss them.

Chatting with show attendees in local chat after our shows and in private IMs is such a thrill. We enjoy the immediate feedback and the ability to carry on multiple conversations at once. Speaking of immediate feedback….we try to keep an eye on local chat during the shows too. We don't hear applause, but we sure can feel the vibe of the room and we can feel it's temperature that way.

Picture taken from

Why did you join SL? Was it because of your music-making or something else?
We can in specifically as a way to share our music around the world. We have done this, but we have also found this wonderful world of creative people. We have been accepted graciously by them and we value the friendships we have formed and those we are developing.

Which is your favorite venue to play in?
The one that is full of people tipping the owner!

Which is your favorite song to perform?
I think if you asked each band member today you'd get three answers. Tomorrow, perhaps three more. We definitely have our few favorites each.

Do you remember your first SL gig? Please, tell us about it.
We were nervous. Behind the scenes at the broadcast location things were frantic. It was new territory and we were heading into a new culture. We didn't want to do or say anything wrong. We hoped the internet connection would sustain four computers and that we could focus on performing instead of the tech gear. We played at Trax Resource Center who is owned by Bones Writer, whom at the time was assisted by Tangle Giano. We still hold both of the as dear friends and remain grateful to their endless hours of help and expertise given that helped get The Follow up and rolling in SL. Once the performance was underway, we had a blast and I don't remember it being horrible….so, we must have made it through just fine :)

What are your plans for the future in SL?
Bands, solo artists, digital artists, programmers and other creatives do what they do. We try to have strategies and plans in place to hopefully develop the most exposure for our art while also hoping to hold on to our values. So, The Follow plans on doing that very thing. We are grateful to the residence of SL for continuing to give us a wonderful place for expression. In that, the future of art within SL is up to the residence.

It is Powers who answered the questions and picked this videos with The Follow. Thanks Powers!

I wish The Follow best of luck with their musical career in SL/RL.

The Follow följer dig till en ny värld

Jag har fått ett notecard från The Follow (som gjorde succe för en vecka sen med en spelning på svensk SL-mark). De bjuder in alla som vill till den virtuella världen SpotON3D och deras spelning där:

Hey friends! The Follow has an exciting opportunity to perform in the virtual world of SpotON3D and the band would love for you to be there too!

The show is THIS Friday June 24th at 1pm PT (or SLT) so we wanted to give you a heads up so you can get your AV up and rolling. Just go to and get your Free4Ever account so you are ready for the cool field trip to another world!

There are friendly people there to show you around and help you with whatever you need. We have been impressed by their hospitality and the usability of this web world. You can even download a custom Phoenix viewer for SpotOn3D that also works for Second Life.

When it's time for the show, just log into the world and you will be greeted by people and posters steering your towards Flyin High Rock Club where we will be performing. See you there!

-AJ, Powers, & Troy - the follow

Snart är jag där

Det bästa med midsommar är inte sillen, nubben eller jordgubbarna. Nä, för mig är det bästa att det är en långhelg och att det nu bara är tio arbetsdagar kvar till semestern.

Midsommar ger mig alltid en försmak av semesterns härligt slappa dagar och helgen ger mig kraft att kämpa mig igenom de sista två veckorna innan det blir helledigt en månad.

måndag 20 juni 2011

Konstig dekor

Inte konstig som i udda och besynnerlig utan KONST-ig. POL Arida bjöd på ny scendekor, utbytt var hans rörliga videobilder och istället fanns där en skärm med vacker konst. Tummen upp från mig och speciellt gillade jag målningen med mannen som blickar ut över vattnet. Om något vet vem som är konstnären så vill jag gärna veta det.

söndag 19 juni 2011

Millis Music Magazine with MommaLuv Skytower

My friend Apmel Goosson has been on several of this musician concerts and got hooked and thanks to him I have also discovered her: MommaLuv Skytower. She is an electronic artist with exciting gigs with nice electropop. She's having a very special voice and combined with some raw beat makes her music unique - in SL.

You can read more about her in MommaLuvs website: - here you can find information about gigs, listening to her music and read the latest news.

How would you describe your music, what style is it?
Predominately my music is avantguard acoustic electronica, which I have deemed Avantronik Mayhem. Much easier to say and remember-or so i think ;)

How long have you been doing music?
I grew up with music and went to a magnet music school, so all of my life.

Are you writing your own songs?
All my own songs are composed, produced, and written by myself. I also do collaborate with other by which lyrics I have written and sang are used and usually I´m in the process involved in final production if some one mixes my vocals into their own creations.

If you do, what comes first when writing your songs, the lyrics or the music?
Each song is different in approach. Sometimes I have lyrics and build music around them and sometimes I´m working on an instrumental and lyrics will magically fall into place.

Where do you find the inspiration for your music?
Life experiences of my own and others. The need to contribute to the wrongs and injustices I see in the world around us, by vocalizing what I perceive as corrections to them. Silly things I may notice in general between humans interacting with one another.

Who are your role models in music?
Nina Simone is top of the list, then Tom Waits, Moby, OrbitaL, Front 242, and many other undergound not so mainstream artists who had tough struggles getting their music listened to by the mainstream.

How long have you played in SL?
Since November of 2010.

Do you also play in RL?
Yes, but have taken a hiatus since my arrival in SL.

What is the difference between playing in SL compared to RL?
Hmmmm......the major difference is not being able to see the audience then not being able to capture my RL expression in my perfomance and the little distractions in local that do not always jive with the performance. Meaning people having random conversations during a performance, that in RL one wouldnt be prived to being up on a stage out of earshot from the audiences conversations. ;)

Why did you join SL? Was it because of your music-making or something else?
Two reasons: friends who were performing here said I shouild try it- so I made an account and didnt see how it would work for me. Then a year later Real Life circumstances put me in a position to give it a try. So I came back in and learned about the SL music scene and gave it a shot.

Which is your favorite venue to play in? Which is your favorite song to perform?
I dont have one favorite venue, however my favorite venues to play in are ones that are respectful to the artist and have a lot of entusiam towards artists in general and work just as hard as the artist does to promote bot. I also like the venues where everyone is interacting and there are not bots or alts pumping up whats just not there.

I do not like venues that act like they are doing the artist a favor and do not like to be approached that way either, nor do I like venue owners or promoters that tell me their money woes. That will definitely not get me to perform in a venue. My thing is this: a venue in SL or RL is there to do one thing: deliver music to the public and with that being said- sometimes there is a financial loss, but no one has to know that nor should the artist have to bare that burden. And for this I shy away from open mics and tip only venues, as several that I have performed in are not worth anyones time because ultimately the venue owners do nothing to promote either. They think rezzing a tip jar and having a host(bot or alt) puts them in the league with other great venues that pay artists and/or guarantee an audience. No artist wants to perform for no one.

Do you remember your first SL gig? Please, tell us about it.
Actually my first gig was at Pop Art Lab owned by CLaus Uriza and broadcasted on Treet Tv. Not the usual lead in to a new artist in SL. It took a few months to prepare and was an unforgetable experience for me and laid the ground work for all my perfomances that followed after. As I was immediately accepted by several of the artist communities active in SL and my shows evolved based on those introductions. Also as a result I am asked to do huge events that include some of SL's Alist.

What are your plans for the future in SL?
To use it as a platform to get my music heard and include it in my future RL gigs.

This time it is a fan who has chosen music videos from Youtube and Vimeo. It´s also him that have taken the pictures in this blogpost. Thanks Apmel!

MommaLuv Skytower from an opening party for Steaming Hot! from Lennart Nilsson on Vimeo.

Thanks Mommaluv for answering my questions and the best of luck with your musical career in SL/RL.

lördag 18 juni 2011

Så bra de var

The Follow, som spelade i går kväll, var trevliga, roliga, pratsamma, duktiga och väldigt proffsiga.

fredag 17 juni 2011

Ett tips till musikälskande nattugglor

Ty och Truck fortsätter utveckla sina vackra simmar. Nu har de lagt till en musikscen och café - Dolphin Café - på sin grekiska sim Armenelos.

De berättar mer i ett notecard:
THE DOLPHIN CAFE not only offers another romantic spot in our Park, but , along with the SPRING GLASS PAVILION, a new venue for some of the best of SL Live Music.

We will do our best to have a good mix of pop, jazz, blues, country , folk, classical and every thing in between that we feel may fit the interests of our vistiors as well as the nature of the Park. Bare with us as we take on this new job.

Framöver står följande artister på programmet enligt notecardet:

DUNCAN BAGELY - returns with his usuall laid back mix of acoustic guitar and ballads.

KARTER STONECUTTER - a long-time keyboardist who can indulge his audience with a mix of sweet romantic ballads, old standard or rockin' the house.

SAMM QENDRY - we cannot say enough good things about SAMM ..Her voice and vocal style will carry you to places youll not soon forget.

Tyvärr är tiden aningens sen, iaf för en sömntuta som mig, men för de som gillar att vara uppe på natten kanske de här spelningarna kan passa. Men Dolphin Café är fint att besöka ändå utan livemusik. En romantisk liten plats med möjlighet att ta en liten svängom på det vackra dansgolvet till de vackra låtarna som streamas.

torsdag 16 juni 2011

Den nyfikna grannen

Tills för ett år sen ungefär hade jag en riktigt irriterande nyfiken granne. Hon hade koll på allt och alla i mitt hyreshus genom att mestadels spana bakom gardinen i köksfönstret och stirra obehindrat genom att göra låtsasärenden i trapphuset och på bakgården. Det blev så avslappnat när hon flyttade. Tänk så tokigt då att jag tar med mig hennes irriterande beteende in i SL.

Här sitter jag till synes lugnt och läser

men i själva verket så har jag full uppsikt mot Apmels konstsamling.

Här står jag och trimmar buskarna

eller inte...

Närå, jag tror jag är en väldigt oförarglig granne på Solace. Jag hoppas det iaf.

onsdag 15 juni 2011

Följ med på The Follow nu på fredag

Igår kväll for Apmel och jag iväg för att spana in scenen på New Town Of Sweden för nu på fredag gästas NTOS av det amerikanska bandet The Follow, som gör sin första spelning på svensk SL-mark.

NEO och Jasmine hälsar (via Neo Timeless) följande:

På fredag 17/6 är det dags att se om New Town of Sweden håller för trycket. :) Det populära livebandet The Follow gästar oss äntligen!
Tid: 23:00 / 2 pm. Kom i tid! :)

Här kan du läsa och lyssna mer på The Follow. Apmel har redan lyssnat på bandet och vad han tyckte om det står att läsa här.

tisdag 14 juni 2011


Ibland känns det mesta som händer i och utanför Sverige som rena natta, som t ex högerextremt sommarläger för barn och massvåldtäkter i Libyen leder till hedersmord.


Billiga linnen

Vid Cadeling Garden som jag berättade om i mitt förra inlägg så finns en liten affär - Bird next door. Här finns billiga linnen för endast 2L$ styck.

Utöver linnen och andra kläder finns här en blandning av ögon, smycken, heminredning och lite till.

Ett besök i Cadeling Garden

Cadeling Garden är en säregen men vacker liten plats som verkligen är värt ett besök. I ett glittrande vattenlandskap bjuds på konst och vackra saker att vila ögonen på. Skaparna och avorna bakom Cadeling Garden heter Cadel (Abubakar) och Ling (Serenity) - därav namnet på stället. Cadel och Ling är två franska konstnärer som gillar och inspireras av den japanska kulturen och det märker man på bl a en del av konsten och körsbärsblomningen.